
King Buyelekhaya Dalindyebo ANC

AbaThembu King Returns: Dalindyebo Embraces ANC with EFF's Merc Still In Hand

AbaThembu King Buyelekhaya Dalindyebo makes a surprising appearance at an ANC rally in style, adorned in ANC regalia. The EFF affirms their gift of a luxurious Mercedes-Benz GLE SUV to the king.

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Julius Malema

Julius Malema's Voting Saga: Queueing, Endorsements, and Political Tolerance

Julius Malema's patient wait in the voting queue sparks social media frenzy as he endorses the IEC's integrity in the elections. Read more about his election day adventures!

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CSIR Election Model Predicts ANC's Downfall: Voters Turn the Tables

Exciting news! CSIR election modelling forecasts a significant drop in ANC support, marking a historic shift in South African politics. Read on to discover the shocking predictions and potential power shifts!

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