The 13 episode series follows twin sisters Olwethu and Owami Siko; the sisters shared the same husband for nine years. Now divorced, the show will follow them ...
"Born in Vosloorus, the 31-year-old sisters' tough childhood brought them even closer than expected - so close that they were married to the same man for nine years. A new reality show, Twice as Bold, follows twin sisters Olwethu and Owami Siko. - The 13 episode series follows twin sisters Olwethu and Owami Siko; the sisters shared the same husband for nine years.
The Siko twins, Olwethu and Owami, who live life according to their own rules will get to share it with viewers on 'Twice as Bold'.
They were married to the same man for nine years, but now divorced with their two daughters, who are just two months apart, they are ready to restart life. Inseparable twins Olwethu and Owami Siko โ who were once married to the same man and with whom they share children โ are on the hunt for a new husband in the daring new show, โTwice as Boldโ. The Siko twins, Olwethu and Owami, who live life according to their own rules, will get to share it with viewers in a new reality show on Mzansi Magic.