Monkeypox pictures

2022 - 5 - 23

PolitiFact - A misused shingles photo fuels a conspiracy theory ... (PolitiFact)

The recent outbreak of monkeypox cases in countries where it's not typically found has left some people spooked and othe.

The photo of a hand with lesions shows a rash caused by shingles. The photo has since been removed from this site, too. We rate claims that it does False. The website doesn’t say when the story was published but indicates it was "updated" May 23, 2022. A screenshot of a headline about monkeypox with the same photo of a hand A screenshot of a headline about shingles with a photo of a hand with lesions on it

PolitiFact - No, these photos don't prove monkeypox is a hoax (PolitiFact)

stated on May 21, 2022 in a Facebook post: Photos of monkeypox lesions prove the current virus outbreak is a hoax. true false.

We found a 2017 story about monkeypox in Nigeria on the BBC’s site but couldn’t find the image in the screenshot. Finally, there’s a photo of lesions on a man’s torso that ran in BBC stories about monkeypox in 2017 and in 2022 with a Reuters credit. Then there’s a photo of a pair of hands with lesions that ran in a May 21 New York Daily News story and a 2018 Sun story. On Getty’s website, the photo has a similar caption. We found the photo on Getty Images’ website. "Folks," one May 21 post says.

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