Mikhail Gorbachev

2022 - 8 - 31

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Image courtesy of "The Washington Post"

Putin, Biden and other leaders react to Mikhail Gorbachev death (The Washington Post)

President Biden said the former Soviet leader had the "imagination to see that a different future was possible."

World leaders reacted to the death of Mikhail S. [said](https://twitter.com/BorisJohnson/status/1564727984719814662?s=20&t=f-kTUDB69w4ZtXxf-0gblg) on Twitter that “in a time of Putin’s aggression in Ukraine, [Gorbachev’s] tireless commitment to opening up Soviet society remains an example to us all.” [wrote](https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202208/1274279.shtml) that “in a historical reflection, Gorbachev is naive and immature,” adding that he would be remembered as “a tragic figure who catered to the US and the West without principle.” [Hiroshima](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/03/26/japan-russia-nuclear-hiroshima/?itid=lk_inline_manual_21), said Gorbachev had “left behind great accomplishment as a world leader supporting the abolishment of nuclear weapons.” [said](https://twitter.com/CondoleezzaRice/status/1564726532370604032?s=20&t=tjpy5y4RK1_hKRLQd2q03g) on Twitter that Gorbachev’s life was “consequential because, without him and his courage, it would not have been possible to end the Cold War peacefully.” Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed his “deepest condolences,” a spokesman told the Interfax news agency, adding that Putin will “send a telegram of condolences to his family and friends.”

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Image courtesy of "CNBCAfrica.com"

Mikhail Gorbachev, Soviet leader who helped end the Cold War, has ... (CNBCAfrica.com)

Mikhail Gorbachev, the final leader of the Soviet Union and a reformer who helped end the Cold War and lead his country from communism to capitalism, ...

When pro-democracy rallies began in Poland and swept across the Soviet bloc in 1989, Gorbachev did not send in Soviet tanks to crush the uprisings. “After decades of brutal political repression, he embraced democratic reforms. The Daily Mail dubbed them “the Gucci couple.” Born in the village of Privolnoye, Gorbachev grew up a committed communist during World War II. President Joe Biden said that Gorbachev was a rare leader because he had the “imagination to see that a different future was possible and the courage to risk his entire career to achieve it.” “I see myself as a man who started the reforms that were necessary for the country and for Europe and the world,” Gorbachev

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Image courtesy of "News24"

OBITUARY | 'Consequential but ultimately tragic figure': Last leader ... (News24)

Former Soviet leader Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev died on Tuesday, aged 91. He was a man who became associated with opening up Soviet society, ...

As President of Russia, the main component of the Soviet Union, Yeltsin inherited the USSR’s seat on the UN Security Council and eventually the entirety of its nuclear arsenal. While Gorbachev struggled to hold the USSR together, the old Soviet guard launched a hard-line coup in August 1991, placing Gorbachev under house arrest at his villa in the Black Sea resort town of Foros. Gorbachev initially praised Putin’s ability to unite Russia, but as the Russian journalist His suggestion to Reagan in Reykjavik that the US and USSR should eliminate nuclear weapons blindsided a US foreign policy establishment that initially saw Gorbachev as little more than a younger version of the gerontocrats he had succeeded. Campaigns against alcoholism saw him publicly ridiculed as the “Mineral Water Secretary”, and his wife Raisa’s expensive tastes in Western clothing became an object of popular anger. After becoming First Secretary of Stavropol, and then the province’s party chief, he began cultivating an image as a moderate reformer, offering bonuses and private plots of land to farmers who exceeded crop production norms. It was also in the process of losing its unifying national idea. There were few clues during Gorbachev’s unremarkable rise through the ranks of the “nomenklatura” system of Soviet elites that he would come to champion such a radical program. In a way it was fitting that as the last leader of the USSR, Gorbachev was probably its only truly humane one. When the Communist Party General Secretary Leonid Brezhnev died in 1982, Andropov took the reins and gave Gorbachev increasing control over the economy. They included the negotiation of arms reduction treaties with the United States during a number of summits with US President Ronald Reagan. He was a man who became associated with opening up Soviet society, encouraging hope and debate rather than stifling it.

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Image courtesy of "Chard & Ilminster News"

World leaders mourn Mikhail Gorbachev as rare figure who changed ... (Chard & Ilminster News)

The former Soviet leader died at the age of 91.

Australian treasurer Jim Chalmers said at a news conference: “The curtain has come down on one of the world’s most significant leaders. At home, he was a figure of historical importance, but not in the way he intended. The result was a safer world and greater freedom for millions of people.” Mr Gorbachev won the 1990 Nobel Peace Prize for his role in ending the Cold War, but although widely feted abroad, he was a pariah at home. His commitment to peace in Europe changed our shared history”. US President Joe Biden said of Mr Gorbachev: “After decades of brutal political repression, he embraced democratic reforms.

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Image courtesy of "East Coast Radio"

Mikhail Gorbachev, last Soviet leader, dies at 91 (East Coast Radio)

His relationship with President Vladimir Putin was difficult at times, but the Russian leader nonetheless expressed his "deep sympathies" after Gorbachev's ...

His commitment to peace in Europe changed our shared history." For Putin and many Russians, the breakup of the Soviet Union was a tragedy, bringing with it a decade of mass poverty and a weakening of Russia's stature on the global stage. In a statement, US President Joe Biden credited Gorbachev with having "the imagination to see that a different future was possible and the courage to risk his entire career to achieve it". He was also championed in the West for spearheading reforms to achieve transparency and greater public discussion that hastened the breakup of the Soviet empire. Gorbachev spent the twilight years of his life in and out of hospital with increasingly fragile health and observed self-quarantine during the pandemic as a precaution against the coronavirus. His life was one of the most influential of his times, and his reforms as Soviet leader transformed his country and allowed Eastern Europe to free itself from Soviet rule.

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Image courtesy of "Euronews"

Mikhail Gorbachev: How has Europe reacted to the death of the ... (Euronews)

Tributes have been paid from across Europe to former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev, who has died aged 91. Ursula von der Leyen, the president of the ...

“Mikhail Gorbachev was a man of remarkable vision," Biden said. He was the first and the last president of the Soviet Union, winning elections for the post in March 1990 and resigning on December 25, 1991." Now deceased, former US President Ronald Reagan was Gorbachev's main adversary in the West. "He played a crucial role to end the Cold War and bring down the Iron Curtain. Yet Gorbachev "died at a time in which democracy has failed in Russia." Even if he didn’t start out wanting to do so.”

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Image courtesy of "Sky News"

Mikhail Gorbachev had 'huge impact on course of world history ... (Sky News)

The 91-year-old died on Tuesday after a long illness, which he had had been undergoing treatment for at the Central Clinical Hospital in Moscow.

And it would have immediately pushed the country into a civil war," he said. "These were the acts of a rare leader. His efforts earned him the Nobel Peace Prize in 1990. who will always remain in the history of our country". In a tweet, he wrote that he "always admired the courage and integrity he showed in bringing the Cold War to a peaceful conclusion". "As leader of the USSR, he worked with President Reagan to reduce our two countries' nuclear arsenals, to the relief of people worldwide praying for an end to the nuclear arms race," he said in a

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Image courtesy of "The Atlantic"

Mikhail Gorbachev Was Great Because He Failed (The Atlantic)

He was trying to rescue, rather than to destroy, the U.S.S.R. and Soviet communism.

He really believed this, and his faith in the Soviet system thus led him into a fatal trap: If socialism was to be saved, then it had to be a choice made by the peoples of the USSR and Eastern Europe. He had gambled on the resilience both of the Soviet system and of socialism and lost. His life ended as Putin tries to wind it back up again, including the use of repression at levels not seen in Russia in more than 30 years. On Christmas Day 1991, Gorbachev declared the Soviet Union dissolved, handed the Soviet nuclear codes to Boris Yeltsin, and left the Kremlin. When all was lost, he accepted his fate, a decision for which he is still hated by millions of Russians. Andropov, too, was a Soviet reformer, in that he wanted a leaner and meaner Soviet Union, a more efficient Soviet state, and a more diligent, and He was smart, and unlike many of his older colleagues, he had not deluded himself about the parlous condition of the Soviet economy and society. Gorbachev was so taken aback (and perhaps worse, so taken by surprise) by the chaos he’d unleashed that he soon turned away from some of his own policies. Perestroika, insofar as anyone even knew what it meant, was already in deep trouble by the time of a major Party meeting in 1987, where it became evident that the hardliners had effectively pushed back the reformers and their plans. [then tried](https://issforum.org/reviews/PDF/Nichols-Kramer.pdf) to encourage similar reforms in Eastern Europe as a way of seeking leverage against his opponents at home. This sounds odd in the West because Westerners have always loved Gorbachev more than his own people ever did, and the tendency outside of Russia is to ascribe to him great achievements that were not his own. Although Gorbachev is now known as a reformer, he was a Soviet reformer.

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Image courtesy of "Reuters"

Reactions to the death of last Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev (Reuters)

Mikhail Gorbachev, who ended the Cold War without bloodshed but failed to prevent the collapse of the Soviet Union, died on Tuesday at the age of 91, ...

And the role of Gorbachev in history in Russia will still be appreciated." Our thoughts and prayers go out to the Gorbachev family and the people of Russia." "He stepped down peacefully and voluntarily, respecting the will of his constituents. "I always admired the courage and integrity he showed in bringing the Cold War to a peaceful conclusion ... His life was consequential because, without him and his courage, it would not have been possible to end the Cold War peacefully." His vision of a better world remains an example." Gorbachev was "a one-of-a-kind statesman who changed the course of history. He played a crucial role to end the Cold War and bring down the Iron Curtain. May the memory of his historic achievement make it possible to take a small pause, especially in these terrible weeks and months of Russia's war against Ukraine." His desire for peace and his opposition to an imperialist vision of Russia earned him the Nobel Prize. "Mikhail Gorbachev was a man of remarkable vision ... "Mikhail Gorbachev wrote world history.

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Image courtesy of "Mail and Guardian"

The legacy of Mikhail Gorbachev, the last leader of the USSR (Mail and Guardian)

He was probably its only truly humane one and has died at a time when political repression in his native Russia has become stifling once more.

As president of Russia, the main component of the Soviet Union, Yeltsin inherited the USSR’s seat on the United Nations Security Council and eventually the entirety of its nuclear arsenal. Boris Yeltsin, the leader of the Russian Federation, became the face of the resistance, emulating Lenin by climbing on a tank and demanding Gorbachev’s release as well as free and fair elections. While Gorbachev struggled to hold the USSR together, the old Soviet guard launched a hard-line coup in August 1991, placing Gorbachev under house arrest at his villa in the Black Sea resort town of Foros. Campaigns against alcoholism saw him publicly ridiculed as the “mineral water secretary”, and his wife Raisa’s expensive tastes in Western clothing became an object of popular anger. His suggestion to Reagan in Reykjavik that the US and USSR should eliminate nuclear weapons blindsided a US foreign policy establishment that initially saw Gorbachev as little more than a younger version of the gerontocrats he had succeeded. After becoming first secretary of Stavropol and then the province’s party chief, he began cultivating an image as a moderate reformer, offering bonuses and private plots of land to farmers who exceeded crop production norms. It was also in the process of losing its unifying national idea. Perestroika served only to reveal how deeply inefficient and corrupt the Soviet command economy had become. In a way, it was fitting that as the last leader of the USSR was probably its only truly humane one. When the Communist Party general secretary Leonid Brezhnev died in 1982, Andropov took the reins and gave Gorbachev increasing control over the economy. There were few clues during Gorbachev’s unremarkable rise through the ranks of the “nomenklatura” system of Soviet elites that he would come to champion such a radical programme. They included the negotiation of arms reduction treaties with the United States during a number of summits with US president Ronald Reagan.

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Image courtesy of "CNN"

World leaders mourn death of last Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev (CNN)

The death of former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev, known for his pivotal role in ending the Cold War and introducing key reforms to the USSR, has prompted ...

After a failed coup by frustrated hard-liners in 1991, Gorbachev resigned by the end of the year. In 1986, face to face with US President Reagan at a summit in Reykjavik, Iceland, Gorbachev made a stunning proposal: eliminate all long-range missiles held by the US and the Soviet Union. So the people would cease to be a herd led by a shepherd. With his outgoing, charismatic nature, Gorbachev broke the mold for Soviet leaders who until then had mostly been remote, icy figures. "I began these reforms and my guiding stars were freedom and democracy, without bloodshed. "He played a crucial role to end the Cold War and bring down the Iron Curtain," she wrote.

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Image courtesy of "Council of Europe"

Council of Europe leaders pay tribute to Mikhail Gorbachev (Council of Europe)

PACE President Tiny Kox and Council of Europe Secretary General Marija Pejčinović Burić have paid tribute to former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev.

His policies of glasnost and perestroika facilitated the fall of the Iron Curtain and the peaceful reunification of Germany, bringing freedom and democracy to millions of Europeans. We pay tribute to him with respect and gratitude.“ By bringing the Cold War to a peaceful end, Mikhail Gorbachev did a huge service to humanity as a whole.

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

First Thing: Mikhail Gorbachev, 'one-of-a kind' Soviet leader, dies (The Guardian)

Western figures praise former president who helped end the cold war. Plus, US states 'rolling back' LGBTQ rights.

[Vermont senator Bernie Sanders speaks to Owen Jones](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/aug/30/people-are-tired-of-being-ignored-while-the-rich-get-richer-bernie-sanders-on-anger-and-hope-in-the-us-and-uk) before an appearance at a London rally today. He took his case to some of the highest courts in the country after filing a lawsuit. “We’ve been eagerly looking forward to July and August, which are usually the high season for us, but it all seems to be just a pipe dream now.” This has caused hydropower plants to only producing half the energy they were generating this time last year. “I thought I would die before I could hear this,” he says. The country is grappling with a shortage of foreign exchange currency, leaving “Seventy-two districts of Pakistan are in calamity and all four corners of Pakistan are underwater and more than 3,500km [2,175 miles] of roads have been washed away. “More than 1m houses are damaged or destroyed,” said Shehbaz Sharif. Inhabitants of Jackson, which is more than 80% Black or African American, have been urged not to drink tap water. The Mississippi governor, Tate Reeves, said the city-run water treatment plant had been poorly operated and understaffed for years. “Compared with the crony capitalism and chaotic collapse of public services that marked the first years of post-communism in Russia, his goals seem admirable,” writes Jonathan Steele Could the right to same-sex marriage be overturned?

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Image courtesy of "BBC News"

Russia: Mikhail Gorbachev changed history, but was wrong about ties to West (BBC News)

Mikhail Gorbachev - the last Soviet leader, who died on Tuesday - had a "huge impact on the course of history", Russia's President Vladimir Putin says. He had understood reforms were necessary, Mr Putin said - while the head of the UN, António Guterres ...

In June, international media reported that he was suffering from a kidney ailment, though his cause of death has not been announced. His predecessor, Konstantin Chernenko, had died aged 73 after just over a year in office. Rather, he hoped to revitalise its society. Vladimir Rogov, a Russian-appointed official in occupied Ukraine, said Mr Gorbachev had "deliberately led the [Soviet] Union to its demise" and called him a traitor. This romanticism turned out to be wrong". He is seen in the West as an architect of reform who created the conditions for the end of the Cold War in 1991 - a time of deep tensions between the Soviet Union and Western nations. In recent years, his health had been in decline and he had been in and out of hospital. Mr Gorbachev became general secretary of the Soviet Communist Party, and de facto leader of the country, in 1985. The Russian leader's spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, said Mr Gorbachev had "sincerely wanted to believe that the Cold War would end, and that it would usher in a period of eternal romance between a new Soviet Union and the world, the West. The hospital in Moscow where Mr Gorbachev died said he had been suffering from a long and serious illness. Most recently, Mr Gorbachev was said to have been unhappy with Mr Putin's decision to invade Ukraine, even though he had supported the annexation of Crimea in 2014. Mr Putin's spokesman, however, said Mr Gorbachev had been wrong to believe in "eternal romance" with the West.

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Image courtesy of "Financial Times"

Vladimir Putin salutes Mikhail Gorbachev's 'huge' historical role (Financial Times)

Russian president praises former leader, but resented collapse of USSR he brought about.

[Purchase a Team or Enterprise subscription for per week You will be billed per month after the trial ends](https://enterprise.ft.com/en-gb/services/group-subscriptions/group-contact-us/b/?barrierName=anon_barrier&segmentId=9fbe4fe1-9315-3d67-cc6d-2bc7650c4aea&ft-content-uuid=be03bd12-af8b-4ab1-b812-b37a731bd4bf) [Purchase a Print subscription for 11,12 € per week You will be billed 107,91 € per month after the trial ends](https://subs.ft.com/spa3_uk3m?segmentId=461cfe95-f454-6e0b-9f7b-0800950bef25&utm_us=JJIBAX&utm_eu=WWIBEAX&utm_ca=JJIBAZ&utm_as=FIBAZ&ft-content-uuid=be03bd12-af8b-4ab1-b812-b37a731bd4bf) [Purchase a Digital subscription for 6,64 € per week You will be billed 39 € per month after the trial ends](https://subs.ft.com/spa3_digital?ft-content-uuid=be03bd12-af8b-4ab1-b812-b37a731bd4bf)

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Image courtesy of "The Conversation AU"

Mikhail Gorbachev: The contradictory legacy of Soviet leader who ... (The Conversation AU)

Mikhail Gorbachev died at 91 on Aug. 30, 2022. A historian of the Soviet era assesses his impact and the consequences of his failed attempts to reform state ...

[met in a forest setting ](https://www.neweurope.eu/article/30-years-ago-the-stroke-of-a-pen-in-a-snowy-belarussian-forest-changed-the-world/)in the absence of Gorbachev, where they came up with a hastily conceived plan to break up the USSR and abolish Gorbachev’s presidency. Ultimately, the Soviet Empire disintegrated, not from a popular, massive uprising from below, as many in the West imagine, but from the mistakes and [political infighting](https://www.loc.gov/exhibits/archives/intn.html) at the top, which progressively weakened the center’s authority. [achieved the highest position](https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/mikhail-gorbachev-picked-to-succeed-chernenko) in the party of general secretary in 1985 he embarked on a pell-mell program of reform. [begging for financial help](https://www.nytimes.com/1991/05/23/world/gorbachev-pleads-for-100-billion-in-aid-from-west.html) from the George H.W. president [Ronald Reagan came around to the view](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/aug/31/gorbachev-and-reagan-the-capitalist-and-communist-who-helped-end-the-cold-war) that Gorbachev was indeed an authentic dismantler of the Soviet command system. By 1990 his own weakness and indecision had derailed the revolution from above. [Western suspicions](https://indianexpress.com/article/world/how-reagan-and-bush-overcame-skepticism-to-collaborate-with-gorbachev-8122532/) when he first came to power that he was simply a wolf-in-sheep’s clothing, an insincere reformer who was really a hard-line communist, Gorbachev managed to convince the skeptics abroad of his sincerity. As head of government, Gorbachev was faced with an insolvable dilemma: how to achieve the democratic ends he desired without resorting to undemocratic means, force and violence. He mistakenly thought he had a firm agreement with the United States and Germany not to move NATO one inch eastward but failed to get it in writing. [his death at 91](https://www.npr.org/2022/08/30/1120141650/former-soviet-leader-mikhail-gorbachev-has-died), announced by state media in Russia on Aug. But in the process, he ended up undermining socialism as the major alternative to Western neoliberal capitalism. Early fears in the West evolved into anxiety about Gorbachev’s survival as he embarked on his great project.

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Image courtesy of "African Business Magazine"

President Ramaphosa expresses condolences on the passing of ... (African Business Magazine)

Download logoPresident Cyril Ramaphosa has expressed his sincere condolences at the passing of His Excellency Mikhail Gorbachev, Nobel Laureate and last.

The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement. “In support of our own liberation, Mikhail Gorbachev sustained the Soviet Union’s support for our struggle in the critical period that led to the unbanning of the liberation movement and our transition to democracy.” President Ramaphosa said: “Mikhail Gorbachev was a statesman who was able to balance his love for his country and the advancement of its interests with the vision of a world in which conflict was reduced and humanity was able to live in conditions of peace and tolerance.

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Image courtesy of "Christian Science Monitor"

Achievements and failures: How the world remembers Mikhail ... (Christian Science Monitor)

The departure of Mikhail Gorbachev, who brought tremendous change to Russia, Europe, and the world as steward of the Soviet Union in its twilight years, ...

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

Putin says Gorbachev 'had huge impact on course of global history' (The Guardian)

Russian president pays tribute to ex-Soviet leader but no decision yet on whether he will get state funeral.

Putin had a strained relationship with Gorbachev, who initiated policies that ultimately led to the fall of the Soviet Union. No romantic period and ‘century of honey’ took place. “He led our country over the period of complex, dramatic transformations and extensive foreign political, economic, and social challenges.

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Image courtesy of "The Conversation US"

Mikhail Gorbachev: five things you need to know (The Conversation US)

During his time as leader of the Soviet Union (1985-1991), Gorbachev brought about enormous change in Russian politics and society, in international relations, ...

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Image courtesy of "SABC News"

Ramaphosa expresses his condolences on the passing of Mikhail ... (SABC News)

Mikhail Gorbachev was instrumental in ending the Cold War between the United States, introducing a host of economic reforms and bringing Soviet troops out of a ...

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Image courtesy of "The Conversation UK"

Mikhail Gorbachev's legacy: sadly, history will judge this good man ... (The Conversation UK)

Gorbachev wanted to reform the Soviet system, not destroy it. He started his economic reforms by investing huge amounts in heavy industry alongside partial ...

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Image courtesy of "Vox"

Mikhail Gorbachev was a flawed man — and a moral inspiration (Vox)

His obituaries of course mention his achievements: bringing free speech and elections to the Soviet Union, allowing its vassal states in Eastern Europe to break ...

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Image courtesy of "Worldcrunch"

Goodbye Mr. Perestroika: World's Front Pages Bid Adieu To Mikhail ... (Worldcrunch)

Mikhail Gorbachev, the eighth and final leader of the Soviet Union, died Tuesday from a long illness at the Moscow Central Clinical Hospital in Moscow, ...

›Gorbachev To Putin: Your Time Is Up - Worldcrunch ›Related Articles Around the WebMikhail Gorbachev, last leader of the Soviet Union, dies at 91 - The ... - The Washington PostThe Washington PostBrazil - Estadao"The last leader of the Soviet Union dies at 91" — EstadaoSwitzerland - Neue Zürcher Zeitung“Mikhail Gorbachev dies at 91” — Neue Zürcher ZeitungSpain - ABC“Goodbye mister perestroika” — ABCItaly - Corriere Della Sera“Farewell Gorbachev who changed the world”— Corriere Della SeraUK - The GuardianThe GuardianAustria - Kleine Zeitung"This man wrote the history of the world" — Kleine ZeitungPeru - El Comercio“Mikhail Gorbachev, leader of the USSR who ended the Cold War, dies” — El ComercioIreland - Irish IndependentIrish IndependentGermany - Frankfurter Allgemeine“Mikhail Gorbachev dies” — Frankfurter AllgemeineArgentina - Clarin"Mikhail Gorbachev, the leader who changed the world map” — ClarinCanada - Toronto StarToronto StarFrom Your Site ArticlesDid The Soviet Union Drink Itself To Death? Perestroika: World's Front Pages Bid Adieu To Mikhail GorbachevInternational newspapers pay homage to the last of the USSR leaders.Former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev waves at a Russian book launch event in 2015.Shcherbak Alexander/TASSAugust 31, 2022RussiaGeopoliticsSourcesWORLDCRUNCHfeatured-postCountriesMikhail Gorbachev, the eighth and final leader of the Soviet Union, died Tuesday from a long illness at the Moscow Central Clinical Hospital in Moscow, at age 91.

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Image courtesy of "TVP World"

Mikhail Gorbachev's legacy (TVP World)

According to Estonia's Foreign Minister Urmas Reinsalu, it was a good thing that the reforms planned by Gorbachev did not end where he was aiming for them ...

Although he is often attributed with ending the Cold War and the fall of the Iron Curtain, Gorbachev’s legacy is not as pristine as some would like it to be. According to Estonia’s Foreign Minister Urmas Reinsalu, it was a good thing that the reforms planned by Gorbachev did not end where he was aiming for them to end. The last leader of the Soviet Union, Mikhail Gorbachev, died at the age of 91.

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Image courtesy of "News24"

IN-DEPTH | A 'backfooted' ANC: How Soviet Union's Mikhail ... (News24)

South African political scientists say while not intentional, Mikhail Gorbachev helped bring the National Party to the negotiating table.

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Image courtesy of "Australian Jewish News"

Mikhail Gorbachev dies (Australian Jewish News)

'The World Jewish Congress mourns the death of Mikhail Gorbachev, a great statesman, an advocate for freedom and human rights, and a true friend of the ...

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Image courtesy of "The Conversation Africa"

Mikhail Gorbachev: southern Africans have a special reason to ... (The Conversation Africa)

External changes, including the end of the Cold War, helped lead to the ending of apartheid. Gorbachev played a major role in that process.

By then the Soviet Union had made it clear that it was in favour of a negotiated settlement in South Africa. The Soviet Union then participated in the joint commission that was set up as a result of that agreement to ensure it was implemented. The success of the Namibian transition helped make possible the South African one that followed. He said that events there had weakened “the capacity of organisations which were previously supported strongly from those quarters”. He then authorised his diplomats to engage with the Americans to help mediate a negotiated settlement for Angola. His actions led to the break-up of the Soviet Union in 1991. Without that assistance the South West Africa People’s Organisation and the African National Congress might not have survived in exile, or ultimately come to power. But of all the external factors that helped lead to the ending of apartheid in 1994, the collapse of the communist regimes of Eastern Europe and the process leading to the end of the Soviet Union must count among the most important. In that Gorbachev played a major role. The collapse of communism in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union destroyed what remaining credibility the idea of a But it was not those armed struggles that brought them to power. The assistance that the Soviet Union provided to both the People’s Liberation Army of Namibia and Umkhonto we Sizwe was essential in enabling them to fight armed struggles against the South African regime.

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

Putin will not attend Gorbachev funeral, Kremlin says (The Guardian)

Russian president lays wreath at hospital where Soviet leader died but will snub funeral.

Putin had a strained relationship with Gorbachev, who initiated policies that ultimately led to the fall of the Soviet Union. Putin, then prime minister, also declared the day of Yeltsin’s death a day of national mourning. “And that, of course, deserves support from the entire public.” In this case, the government will help organise the funeral.” In remarks at a local school later on Thursday, Putin defended his war in Ukraine, claiming that Russia’s enemies were “starting to create an anti-Russian enclave that threatens our country”. “Unfortunately, the president’s work schedule will not allow him,” Peskov said.

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Image courtesy of "Grid News"

Was Mikhail Gorbachev a hero? That depends on who — and where ... (Grid News)

The legacy of former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev has its complicated — and darker — sides.

He also toed the current Kremlin line that [the West had made a dangerous mistake](https://www.gorby.ru/en/presscenter/publication/show_29421/) in “trying to draw Ukraine into NATO.” All the while, Gorbachev criticized Putin for his crackdown on internal dissent and independent media. Gorbachev may have navigated a peaceful end to the Cold War and saved the world from calamity, but for millions of Russians, he was responsible for the disorder and penury that followed, along with a rapid descent in Russia’s status on the global stage. But for a Russian pensioner or soldier or local government official — or for one of those Russian navy cadets or officers — this was the reality. I was a journalist in Moscow in this early post-Soviet time, a period marked by a collapse in the value of the Russian ruble, rampant inflation and a spike in violent crime — in a nation that had succeeded in little else but always managed to keep the public order. When Gorbachev ran for the Russian presidency in 1996, he received less than 1 percent of the vote. That secrecy almost certainly cost the lives of plant workers and residents of the area, and was in any case an unconscionable silence. Ask Lithuanians how they remember Gorbachev, and you will get a sense for the paradox: On the one hand, it was his statecraft that led to their independence movement; on the other, when Lithuanians In the uneasy two-year period between the 1989 revolutions and the formal end of the Soviet Union, Gorbachev dispatched troops to quell unrest in other parts of his fading empire. He didn’t want the Soviet Union to go away; his hopes were for a democratic socialism or a more humane form of communism. Meanwhile, Gorbachev’s failings — real and exaggerated by Russian nationalist propaganda — were central to the rise of Vladimir Putin, who served Gorbachev’s Kremlin as an officer in the KGB. On the one hand, there is no question: The demise of the Soviet Union would never have happened in the peaceful way it did had a lesser statesman been at the helm. Counterfactuals are hard, but a final chapter of the Cold War featuring someone other than Gorbachev (or, for that matter, leaders less capable than Bush and Secretary of State James Baker) might have ended in very different and nasty ways.

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Image courtesy of "Business Day"

Mikhail Gorbachev denied state funeral, Putin 'too busy to attend' (Business Day)

Boris Yeltsin, the first president of Russia and who received a state funeral, hand-picked Putin to succeed him.

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