Tia Mowry

2022 - 10 - 5

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Image courtesy of "Page Six"

Tia Mowry files for divorce from Cory Hardrict after 14 years of ... (Page Six)

Tia Mowry has filed for divorce from her husband of 14 years, Cory Hardrict. The couple, who shares two kids, met when they were undergrads.

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Image courtesy of "Today.com"

Tia Mowry Announces Divorce From Cory Hardrict (Today.com)

Fourteen years after getting married, Tia Mowry and Cory Hardrict are ending their marriage.

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Image courtesy of "TMZ"

Tia Mowry Files for Divorce from Husband Cory Hardrict (TMZ)

Tia Mowry has filed for divorce from husband Cory Hardrict, pulling the plug on their 14 year marriage.

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Image courtesy of "BET"

Tia Mowry Files For Divorce From Husband Cory Hardrict After 14 ... (BET)

TMZ writes, “Tia didn't specify a date of separation, but she's asking a judge for joint physical and legal custody of their two children. She's also asking the ...

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Image courtesy of "Los Angeles Times"

Tia Mowry announces divorce from Cory Hardrict (Los Angeles Times)

'Sister, Sister' alum Tia Mowry and 'All American' star Cory Hardrict are divorcing after 14 years of marriage.

“The Game” and “Mistresses” alum cited “irreconcilable differences” as the reason for the split but did not specify a date for their separation. The couple met while filming the 2005 slasher film “Hollywood Horror” with Mowry’s twin sister and frequent co-star, Tamera Mowry. [‘It’s been a great ride’: Daytime talk show ‘The Real’ is canceled after 8 seasons](https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/story/2022-04-08/the-real-ends-eight-seasons-loni-love-garcelle-beauvais-warner-bros-emmy) Mowry requested joint physical and legal custody of their two children — Cree, 11, and Cairo, 4 — and requested that spousal support be terminated for both her and Hardrict. “We will maintain a friendship as we co-parent our beautiful children. I wanted to share that Cory and I have decided to go our separate ways.

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Image courtesy of "EW.com"

Tia Mowry and Cory Hardrict are divorcing after 14 years of marriage ... (EW.com)

'Sister, Sister' star Tia Mowry and 'American Sniper' actor Cory Hardrict are going their separate ways after 14 years of marriage.

"He was just right there for me and held my hand." Mowry explained that she had recently gotten out of a "terrible relationship" when she met Hardrict. And then I knew, once I can get financially in a better situation, then I'm going to buy her a ring and that's going to be my wife." "I wanted to share that Cory and I have decided to go our separate ways. I didn't have anything, and she appreciated everything for what it was and she loved me for me. "I have always been honest with my fans, and today is no different," Mowry wrote.

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Image courtesy of "HITC"

Tia Mowry and Cory Hardrict's net worth reflects how far they have ... (HITC)

Tia Mowry and Cory Hardrict have decided to file for a divorce after being together since 2008. While the couple is going their separate ways, their net ...

He has appeared in shows like “Felicity”, “Once and Again,’ and more. Just like Tia, Cory has also been a part of the entertainment industry for a long time. Throughout her career, Tia has worked on several movies and even done some voice-acting gigs. Taking to Instagram, Tia confirmed that they had made the tough decision of going their separate ways. The show helped him become a well-known name in the entertainment industry. Tia Mowry and Cory Hardrict have decided to file for a divorce after being together since 2008.

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Image courtesy of "POPSUGAR"

Tia Mowry Files For Divorce From Cory Hardrict | POPSUGAR ... (POPSUGAR)

Sister, Sister star Tia Mowry and Cory Hardrict are divorcing, citing "irreconcilable differences."

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Image courtesy of "Footwear News"

Tia Mowry Embraces the 'No-Pants' Trend in Cardigan Dress & Over ... (Footwear News)

Tia Mowry stylized her Instagram reel with long jumbo box braids, a black cardigan dress with a green color block, and over-the-knee boots.

[Box braids](https://footwearnews.com/2022/fashion/celebrity-style/tia-mowry-knotless-braids-video-denim-shorts-instagram-1203307690/) are immensely versatile and the star used her hair to showcase her duality of sultriness and comedy at the same time. As for her hair, she went with a dramatic choice, displaying the jumbo box braids with a side part that reached her lower back. As the cardigan was used as a mini dress, using such tall boots allowed for coordination as shorter boots would have produced a different look. The cardigan had a deep cut, as she closed each button, revealing a black undershirt as she danced and snapped her fingers. The black mini cardigan vocalized long sleeves, to which she rolled up as the fabric rested upon her elbows, the bright green contrast and white colorblock shown with much visibility. [Tia Mowry](https://footwearnews.com/2022/fashion/red-carpet/tia-mowry-fendi-variety-power-of-women-2022-la-1203350005/) flipped her hair and jumped around in a stylistic preppy outfit for an Instagram Reel this week.

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Image courtesy of "Black Hills Pioneer"

Tia Mowry splits from husband (Black Hills Pioneer)

The 44-year-old actress has split from Cory Hardrict - the father of her children Cree, 11, and four-year-old Cairo - after 14 years of marriage but has vowed ...

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Image courtesy of "Hollywood Life"

Who Is Cory Hardrict? Five Things On Tia Mowry's Soon-To-Be Ex ... (Hollywood Life)

Tia Mowry filed for divorce from Cory Hardrict on Oct. 4, after 14 years together. Find out more about him and their history here.

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Image courtesy of "Page Six"

Tia Mowry spoke about setting 'boundaries' before divorce ... (Page Six)

Tia Mowry opened up about setting "boundaries" before announcing her divorce from Cory Hardrict. They were married for 14 years.

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Image courtesy of "Travel Noire"

Tia Mowry Partners With Marriott Bonvoy® For Boundless Bucket ... (Travel Noire)

The Marriott Bonvoy Boundless® Credit Card recently announced the launch of the Boundless Bucket List Contest, in collaboration with Pinterest. The...

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Image courtesy of "The South African"

'Sister, Sister' star Tia Mowry files for divorce (The South African)

Fans were left in shock after actress and reality star Tia Mowry confirmed she intends to divorce her husband Cory Hardict.

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Image courtesy of "E! Online"

Tamera Mowry Reacts to Sister Tia Mowry's Divorce From Cory ... (E! Online)

After Tia Mowry filed for divorce from Cory Hardrict, she received an outpouring of love and support from fans, friends and family, including sister Tamera ...

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Image courtesy of "News24"

Tia Mowry and Cory Hardict go their separate ways after 14 years of ... (News24)

The couple have a prenuptial agreement and Tia is asking the judge to terminate spousal support, according to the documents. Tia posted a picture of her soon to ...

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Image courtesy of "Vanguard"

American Actress Tia Mowry announces divorce from Cory Hardrict (Vanguard)

American actress, Tia Mowry, has announced a divorce from her husband Cory Hardrict after 14 years of marriage and having two children together.

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Image courtesy of "NBC News"

Tia Mowry announces split from Cory Hardrict (NBC News)

“The Game” actor thanked “friends, family, and fans” for their love and support as she ventures towards a new chapter in her life.

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Image courtesy of "ABC News"

Tia Mowry announces split from husband Cory Hardrict after 14 ... (ABC News)

Mowry's twin sister, Tamera Mowry, reacted to the news in the post's comments, sharing four red heart emojis and writing, "love you!" Other celebrity pals piled ...

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Image courtesy of "Today.com"

Tamera Mowry-Housley On Supporting Tia Through Divorce: 'She's ... (Today.com)

Tamera Mowry-Housley reveals how she feels about her sister Tia Mowry's divorce after Tia was married to Cory Hardrict for 14 years and welcomed two kids ...

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Image courtesy of "Page Six"

Cory Hardrict denies cheating on Tia Mowry following divorce news (Page Six)

Cory Hardrict denied rumors that he cheated on Disney actress Tia Mowry, amid their divorce announcement this week.

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Image courtesy of "AS English"

Why are Tia Mowry and Cory Hardrict getting divorced? (AS English)

The couple, who met on the set of Hollywood Horror two decades ago, announced their amicable split earlier this week.

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Image courtesy of "GoodHousekeeping.com"

Tamera Mowry Speaks Out About Tia Mowry and Cory Hardrict's ... (GoodHousekeeping.com)

'The Game' actress Tamera Mowry shared her thoughts on her sister Tia Mowry announcing her divorce from husband Cory Hardrict on Instagram.

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Image courtesy of "E! Online"

Cory Hardrict Calls Out “Lies” Amid Tia Mowry Divorce (E! Online)

Amid news of their divorce, Cory Hardrict shut down speculation that he had cheated on Tia Mowry. Find out what he said.

[Sister, Sister ](https://www.eonline.com/news/1184764/never-knew-how-much-we-missed-sister-sister-check-out-the-stars-then-now)alum shared on Oct. [For the latest breaking news updates, click here to download the E! 4 that the two had " [decided to go our separate ways](https://www.eonline.com/news/1349030/tia-mowry-files-for-divorce-from-cory-hardrict-after-14-years-of-marriage)" after [14 years of marriage](https://www.eonline.com/news/1349176/tamera-mowry-says-family-has-tias-back-amid-cory-hardrict-divorce). She also requested legal and physical joint custody of their two children and has asked to terminate the court's ability to award spousal support, citing a premarital agreement. "We will maintain a friendship as we co-parent our beautiful children," she wrote on Instagram. 3, before news of the breakup broke.

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Image courtesy of "Eyewitness News"

Tia and Corey call it quits after 14 years of marriage (Eyewitness News)

JOHANNESBURG - It's the end of the road for Tia Mowry and Cory Hardrict after 14 years of marriage. The actress took to Instagram on Tuesday to announce the ...

The devil is wrecking a lot of marriage I pray Cory didn't do anything too damaging, or too stupid!! Cory, doesn't look like the abusive type!! "Letting go can be painful.

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Image courtesy of "Glamour"

Tia Mowry's Ex-Husband Cory Hardrict Denies Cheating Rumors In ... (Glamour)

Cory Hardrict denied cheating on Tia Mowry in the wake of their divorce announcement by responding to an Instagram commenter with "Lies!"

[Reminder: You are enough.](https://twitter.com/TiaMowry/status/1576711523770060800) You deserve love. And you deserve to be understood for who you truly are.” And, “ [I am love](https://twitter.com/TiaMowry/status/1577333428864765955) ❤️ I will only choose to see love. (Society will start trusting straight men again when they earn it, okay?)

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