People frequently face difficult waiting periods when they anticipate uncertain news regarding their or their loved ones' health, relationships, ...
Another option for reducing anxiety in anticipation of uncertain news is to reappraise the implications of the news. Many people have allowed the fear of failure to get in the way of their success. Regarding preparation for objective consequences, people might act during a waiting period to mitigate financial, professional and interpersonal costs or costs of time and effort that could result from bad news. In a comparable way, people can reduce their anxiety over the potential impact of bad news by concocting reasons to doubt the feedback or its implications even before they receive it. One key strategy to this end is expectation management, which can take two forms during the course of a waiting period: bracing for bad news and maintaining hope or optimism. Distraction may be an effective strategy for waiting well, but often it is difficult or even impossible to avoid reminders of the uncertainty. Research on bracing suggests that one way people manage uncertainty is by calibrating their expectations to minimise the pain of negative feedback. Sweeney says the most intuitive way to endure a difficult waiting period is to not think about it. The primary goal of such interventions will be to provide strategies that can minimise anxiety and disruption during waiting periods, and minimise harm and maximise benefit once the uncertainty is resolved. For example, people who manage their expectations appropriately or look in advance for the silver lining in all outcomes may be better prepared to cope with bad news. The counselling that is given to a person when they are waiting for HIV/Aids test results must also be urgently considered by the Department of Education. Thus, at the level of experience, the nature of waiting is probably all too familiar.
The matric class of 2022 has received exceptional marks and are looking forward to furthering their studies.
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