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Old Mutual Employee Stock Awards - A Closer Look at the Recent Transactions

Employee Stock Ownership Plans - Long-Term Incentive Programs - Old Mutual

Get the inside scoop on the latest Old Mutual transactions involving Employee Stock Ownership Plans and Long-Term Incentive Programs!

Old Mutual Limited recently made headlines with its transactions involving Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOP) and Long-Term Incentive Program (LTIP) awards. On December 22, 2023, a significant on-market trade took place, involving a total of 146,555 shares at a price of R12.3308 per share.

These transactions shed light on the company's commitment to rewarding employees and fostering long-term engagement. The involvement of ESOP and LTIP awards signifies Old Mutual's dedication to incentivizing and retaining talent within its workforce. Such initiatives not only benefit employees but also contribute to the overall growth and success of the company.

Employee stock ownership plans are crucial in aligning the interests of employees with those of the company, promoting a sense of ownership and responsibility. Likewise, Long-Term Incentive Programs serve as powerful motivators for employees to strive for excellence and stay committed to the organization's long-term goals.

In conclusion, the recent transactions by Old Mutual highlight the importance of employee-centric initiatives in driving organizational success and fostering a positive workplace culture. By actively engaging employees through stock awards and incentive programs, companies like Old Mutual can create a motivated and dedicated workforce poised for growth and innovation.

OLD MUTUAL LIMITED โ€“ Dealings in Securities on Behalf of ... (Moneyweb.co.za)

transaction in respect of the ESOP and LTIP awards. Type of trade On-market. Date of transaction 22-Dec-23. Number of shares 146 555. Price per share R12.3308

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