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SA Student Makes History as President of International Student Association

IFTSA - International Student Association - Jana Schreuder - South Africa - Stellenbosch University

Jana Schreuder from Stellenbosch University breaks barriers as the first non-US Board President of IFTSA! ๐ŸŽ‰ #StudentAchievement #SouthAfrica

Jana Schreuder, a student at Stellenbosch University, has achieved a remarkable feat by becoming the first non-US Board President of the International Food Technologists Students Association (IFTSA). This historic election marks a significant moment for Stellenbosch University and South Africa on the international stage. Schreuder's leadership role in such a prestigious global organization highlights her exceptional skills and dedication to the field of food technology. The election not only recognizes her academic prowess but also showcases the diversity and talent present in South African universities.

The International Food Technologists Students Association (IFTSA) plays a crucial role in fostering connections and development opportunities for students in the field of food technology worldwide. With Schreuder at the helm, the organization is set to embark on a new chapter of innovation and collaboration. Her appointment symbolizes the breaking down of barriers and the growing recognition of talent beyond geographical boundaries. As the face of South Africa in this international role, Schreuder carries the hopes and aspirations of students across the country.

Jana Schreuder's election as the President of IFTSA signifies a shifting landscape in international student leadership, emphasizing the importance of inclusivity and global cooperation. This milestone achievement opens doors for more South African students to participate in and lead global organizations, setting a precedent for future generations. Schreuder's presidency is not just a personal accomplishment but a testament to the excellence of education in South Africa and the potential of its students to excel on the world stage.

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Image courtesy of "Good Things Guy"

International Student Association Elects SA University Student As ... (Good Things Guy)

Jana Schreuder from Stellenbosch University has made history by being named the first non-US Board President of the IFTSA, an international student ...

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