Brain worms

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Brain Worms: The Unusual Tale of RFK Jr.'s Parasitic Encounter

Brain Worms - Neurocysticercosis - Parasitic Infections

Discover the shocking story of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s brain worm encounter and its surprising aftermath!

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the independent presidential candidate, recently made headlines when he revealed a bizarre encounter with a brain parasite. Describing the incident humorously, Kennedy spoke of a time when a worm made its way into his brain, causing damage before perishing. This revelation sparked curiosity about the prevalence of parasitic worms in over a billion people worldwide. While Kennedy poked fun at the news, questioning what's best for the country, the incident raised questions about how these parasites infiltrate the human brain.

The disclosure of the brain worm incident led to speculations about the potential risks of such infections, especially in regions where these parasites are more common. Kennedy's bold statement about the experience and his assurance of beating political rivals, despite the parasite encounter, added a unique twist to the story. The unusual revelation also shed light on the medical abnormality Kennedy faced in 2010, attributed to the parasitic worm that entered his brain over a decade ago.

Intriguingly, the concept of brain worms, though uncommon, is a reality that affects many individuals globally. Understanding how these parasites enter the brain is crucial in preventing such incidents. Kennedy's light-hearted take on the situation brought attention to a lesser-known health concern, emphasizing the importance of awareness and preventive measures against brain parasites.

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Image courtesy of "NPR"

RFK Jr. is not alone. More than a billion people have parasitic worms (NPR)

Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. spoke about a time when, as he put it, "A worm ... got into my brain and ate a portion of it and then died.

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Image courtesy of "CBS News"

Brain worms like the one RFK Jr. had are real and more common ... (CBS News)

Brain worms, like the one Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s campaign​ said he contracted over a decade ago, are real — and more common in certain parts of the world ...

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Image courtesy of "The Washington Post"

I'm the worm that ate part of RFK Jr.'s brain, and I'm asking for your ... (The Washington Post)

I am brave enough to say: I am a parasite, and I don't understand what is best for the country!

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Image courtesy of "USA TODAY"

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. pokes fun at recent report revealing he had ... (USA TODAY)

Independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. poked fun at a recent report saying that doctors found a dead parasite in his brain over a decade ago.

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Image courtesy of "The New York Times"

But How Does the Worm Get in Your Brain? (The New York Times)

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s disclosure that a doctor apparently found a dead worm in his brain has sparked questions about what brain parasites are, the damage ...

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Image courtesy of "CNN"

RFK Jr. details medical abnormality that he says was a parasitic ... (CNN)

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on Wednesday detailed the medical abnormality he experienced in 2010 that he said was caused by a ...

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

RFK Jr says he'll eat brain worms and 'still beat' Biden and Trump in ... (The Guardian)

Robert F Kennedy Jr makes comment after New York Times reports worm got into his brain, 'ate a portion of it and then died'

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Image courtesy of "Northeastern University"

RFK Jr. says a parasite ate part of his brain. Do parasites actually ... (Northeastern University)

How do parasites, such as tapeworms, get into the brain in the first place? Scientists say they can — but that they “eat” human tissue is something of a ...

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Image courtesy of "MedPage Today"

Brain Worms Like RFK Jr.'s: Here's What to Know (MedPage Today)

Neurocysticercosis cysts don't "eat" brain, said Philip Budge, MD, PhD, of Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. "The parasite larvae reach the ...

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Image courtesy of "CapeTalk"

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"A worm ... got into my brain and ate a portion of it and then died." That's the stomach-churning explanation US presidential candidate Robert F Kennedy Jr once gave in a deposition as the possible reason for experiencing memory loss and brain fog.

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Image courtesy of "Verywell Health"

RFK Jr. Had a Dead Brain Worm. How Does a Parasite Get Into the ... (Verywell Health)

While the exact diagnosis is unknown, doctors say his description of the symptoms resembles neurocysticercosis, a condition caused by a pork tapeworm. To avoid ...

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Image courtesy of ""

VERIFYING how a parasitic worm can get into your brain (

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said a parasitic worm ate a portion of his brain and then died. But how do you get a brain worm and does it really eat your brain?

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Image courtesy of "Scientific American"

What Do Brain Worms like the One RFK, Jr., Had Actually Do? (Scientific American)

Experts explain how certain worms can infect the brain and why they are an important global public health problem.

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Image courtesy of "Slate Magazine"

The Story About a Worm Eating RFK Jr.'s Brain Is Not As Funny As It ... (Slate Magazine)

We can laugh; we must. But there's some dark context here.

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