Mpox symptoms

2024 - 6 - 13

Breaking News: Minister of Health Warns About Mpox Symptoms

disease - health - Minister of Health - Mpox - symptoms

Stay alert! Minister of Health issues warning about new Mpox case and death.

In some concerning news, the Minister of Health, Dr. Joe Phaahla, announced another laboratory-confirmed case of Mpox and a second death. Mpox, a dangerous viral infection, has been raising alarms across the country. The symptoms to watch out for include high fever, rash, and severe fatigue. Health authorities are urging the public to stay vigilant and seek medical attention if they experience any of these signs.

Mpox is a highly contagious disease that spreads rapidly through close contact. It is crucial to practice good hygiene, such as frequent handwashing and wearing masks in crowded places, to prevent further outbreaks. With the recent spike in cases, the Ministry of Health is intensifying efforts to contain the spread of Mpox and protect the population from this deadly virus.

In a bid to combat Mpox, health officials are emphasizing the importance of vaccination. Getting vaccinated not only reduces the risk of contracting the virus but also helps in building immunity against it. By following preventive measures and staying informed about Mpox symptoms, individuals can contribute to stopping the transmission and safeguarding public health.

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Image courtesy of "George Herald"

Mpox- Here are symptoms you should look out for (George Herald)

LIFESTYLE NEWS - In some concerning news, the Minister of Health, Dr Joe Phaahla, announced another laboratory-confirmed case of Mpox and a second death ...

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