Thoko Didiza

2024 - 6 - 14

Thoko Didiza Elected Speaker of National Assembly: A Game-Changing Move

Didiza ANC - Chief Justice Raymond Zondo - Democratic Alliance - EFF - Government of National Unity - National Assembly Speaker - President Ramaphosa - South African Politics - Thoko Didiza - Veronica Mente - Didiza

Find out how Thoko Didiza secured the coveted position of Speaker and the surprising alliances formed in South Africa's political landscape!

Thoko Didiza, a prominent figure in the ANC, has made headlines as she is set to become the National Assembly speaker, a significant step in her political career. This move comes as part of a strategic move by the ANC, showcasing their backing of Didiza for the prestigious role.

The nomination of Thoko Didiza for the position has caused a stir, with the EFF also putting forward Veronica Mente as their nominee. The competition between Didiza and Mente highlights the diversity and political dynamics at play within South Africa's parliament.

The collaboration between the ANC and the DA in nominating Thoko Didiza as Speaker underlines the evolving political landscape in the country, with unexpected partnerships forming in the Government of National Unity (GNU). This unprecedented cooperation between the two parties is a significant development in South African politics.

In a surprising turn of events, Thoko Didiza emerged victorious against Veronica Mente, securing the position of National Assembly Speaker. This win marks a pivotal moment in Didiza's career and signals a new chapter in the political arena of South Africa.

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Image courtesy of "Johannesburg Sunday World"

ANC to field Didiza for speaker, Ntuli tipped for chief whip (Johannesburg Sunday World)

The ANC is planning to nominate its national executive committee (NEC) member, Thoko Didiza, for the position of National Assembly speaker.

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Image courtesy of "George Herald"

ANC's Didiza guaranteed to be Speaker, but EFF still nominates ... (George Herald)

There are two nominees, Thoko Didiza, the former Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development and the EFF's Veronica Mente, the National ...

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Image courtesy of "News24"

Didiza and Mente compete for National Assembly Speaker as ANC ... (News24)

ANC national executive committee member (NEC) and MP Thoko Didiza went toe to toe with EFF national chairperson and MP Veronica Mente for the coveted Speaker of ...

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Image courtesy of "Scrolla.Africa"

GNU partners nominate Thoko Didiza as Speaker (Scrolla.Africa)

By Zukile Majova. South Africans have witnessed the first cooperation between the ANC and the DA in the Government of National Unity (GNU) with the ...

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Image courtesy of "Eyewitness News"

EFF's Mente and ANC's Didiza get the nod for Speaker of the ... (Eyewitness News)

JOHANNESBURG - Veronica Mente of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) and the African National Congress' (ANC) Thoko Didiza have been nominated for the ...

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Image courtesy of "SowetanLIVE"

BREAKING | ANC, DA struck a deal: Ramaphosa president, Didiza ... (SowetanLIVE)

Sources said it had been agreed the DA will support Ramaphosa's election as president, with agriculture minister Thoko Didiza as speaker and the ANC will ...

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Image courtesy of "SABC News"

Zondo agrees to EFF's request regarding Speaker vote counting ... (SABC News)

Chief Justice Raymond Zondo has acceded to a request from the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) that the counting of the votes for the election of the ...

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Image courtesy of "Eyewitness News"

WATCH: Thoko Didiza appointed new National Assembly Speaker (Eyewitness News)

The new partnership between the African National Congress, Democratic Alliance and the Inkatha Freedom Party saw Didiza beat the Economic Freedom Fighters' ...

Urgent: South Africa's National Assembly elects Thoko Didiza as ... (ๆ–ฐๅŽ็ฝ‘)

CAPE TOWN, June 14 (Xinhua) -- Thoko Didiza, the South African agriculture minister, was on Friday elected as speaker of the National Assembly, ...

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Image courtesy of "Business Day"

BREAKING NEWS: Didiza elected Speaker of National Assembly (Business Day)

Agriculture, land reform and rural development minister Thoko Didiza has been overwhelmingly elected as speaker of the National Assembly.

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Image courtesy of "TimesLIVE"

ANC's Thoko Didiza elected new speaker of National Assembly (TimesLIVE)

Thoko Didiza, the outgoing minister of agriculture, has been elected new National Assembly speaker. Didiza received 284 votes, beating EFF MP Veronica Mente ...

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Image courtesy of "Independent Online"

LIVE BLOG | ANC's Thoko Didiza elected as Speaker of Parliament (Independent Online)

Mmabatho Tembe has been elected as the Deputy Speaker for the KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) Provincial Legislature. Out of 79 ballots, Tembe, a member of the ...

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Image courtesy of "eNCA"

Thoko Didiza elected speaker of national assembly (eNCA)

PARLIAMENT - Friday's first sitting of the seventh parliament, in Cape Town, comes after many weeks of uncertainty in the country.

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