16 June

2024 - 6 - 16

Unveiling the Intriguing Events of 16 June: A Journey Through History and Sustainability

climate change - environmental responsibility - ITLOS Advisory Opinion - plastic pollution - social justice - Soweto uprising - sustainability initiatives - workshops - World Refill Day

Discover the captivating blend of historical reflections and sustainability initiatives on the eventful 16th of June. Dive into a world of past memories and eco-friendly aspirations!

The 16th of June holds a significant place in history, marking the anniversary of the Soweto uprising. This pivotal event allows us to reflect on its profound impact through the perspectives of those who experienced it firsthand. As we delve into the archives, we uncover the rich tapestry of narratives that shape our understanding of this historic day.

In the realm of events and announcements, exciting workshops and gatherings are on the horizon. From Lund to Marseille and Istanbul, a series of engaging activities are set to unfold, offering opportunities for knowledge sharing and collaboration. These upcoming events present a blend of virtual and physical interactions, highlighting the interconnectedness of our global community.

World Refill Day, observed on the 16th of June, beckons us to join a global movement against plastic pollution. By promoting refillable alternatives and reducing single-use plastics, this initiative aims to foster a more sustainable way of life. Participants have the chance to win a Refill Goodie Bag, adding a touch of excitement to their eco-friendly journey.

Amidst discussions on climate change, recent analyses have explored the implications of ITLOS' Advisory Opinion delivered in May 2024. Scholars and experts have scrutinized treaty issues and legal frameworks in light of environmental challenges. These dialogues offer valuable insights into the intersection of law, policy, and environmental stewardship.

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Image courtesy of "Daily Maverick"

From the archives: Counter contemplation โ€“ what the legacy of the ... (Daily Maverick)

The 48th anniversary of the June 16 Soweto uprising allows us to contemplate its larger meaning โ€“ through the eyes of some of those who were there back ...

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Image courtesy of "Opinio Juris"

Events and Announcements: 16 June 2024 (Opinio Juris)

An inaugural workshop will be held in Lund/online on 9-10 January 2025; additional events are planned to take place in Marseille (the Lotus homeport), Istanbul ...

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Image courtesy of "Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council"

Win a Refill Goodie Bag this World Refill Day (Sunday 16 June) (Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council)

World Refill Day is a global campaign to prevent plastic pollution and help people live with less waste and transition away from single-use plastic towards ...

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Image courtesy of "EJIL: Talk!"

Two Weeks in Review, 3 June โ€“ 16 June (EJIL: Talk!)

Climate change. Two posts commented on ITLOS' Advisory Opinion on Climate Change, delivered on 21 May 2024. First, Joshua Paine analysed issues of treaty ...

Explore the last week