Gwede Mantashe

2024 - 6 - 16

Breaking News: Gwede Mantashe Cleared of Imminent Arrest Rumors

ANC - Bosasa bribery probe - corruption - Gwede Mantashe - Investigating Directorate - NPA - South African politics - State Capture inquiry

Find out why the Investigating Directorate denies the reports and the truth behind the speculations!

In a recent turn of events, the Investigating Directorate (ID) has refuted claims of an imminent arrest of ANC national chairperson, Gwede Mantashe. Reports by Sunday World alleging Mantashe's impending arrest have been dismissed by both the ID and the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA). Speculations linking Mantashe to a bribery probe related to Bosasa-sponsored security upgrades have caught public attention.

The State Capture inquiry revealed that Mantashe benefited from security upgrades at his properties provided by the company free of charge. Despite the allegations, the ID maintains that no decision has been made regarding Mantashe's arrest. The ongoing saga continues to spark debates and discussions across South Africa regarding the involvement of high-profile figures in corruption scandals.

Amidst the uncertainty surrounding Mantashe's legal status, the Bosasa connection remains a focal point in the investigation. The alleged link between Mantashe and the controversial company raises questions about political ties and corruption in the country. As the saga unfolds, South Africans eagerly await further updates on the developments surrounding Mantashe and the ongoing investigation.

The case of Gwede Mantashe highlights the intricate web of political and legal complexities in South Africa's governance. The scrutiny faced by high-ranking officials sheds light on the challenges of combating corruption and maintaining transparency within the government. The public's demand for accountability and justice in handling such cases reflects the country's ongoing strive for ethical leadership and integrity in public office.

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Image courtesy of "News24"

ID dismisses imminent arrest claims against ANC's Gwede Mantashe (News24)

The Investigating Directorate (ID) has dismissed a report by Sunday World the arrest of ANC national chairperson Gwede Mantashe was imminent.

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Image courtesy of "TimesLIVE"

Investigating Directorate denies report it is after Gwede Mantashe (TimesLIVE)

The Investigating Directorate says it has not decided on nor discussed an “imminent arrest” of ANC chairperson Gwede Mantashe.

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Image courtesy of "Citizen"

NPA refutes speculations about Gwede Mantashe arrest (Citizen)

The National Prosecuting Authority's (NPA) Investigating Directorate (ID) said it cannot comment on its investigations including the possible arrest of ...

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Image courtesy of "The South African"

NPA dismisses claims of Gwede Mantashe's 'imminent arrest' (The South African)

The Sunday World alleged that African National Congress (ANC) chairperson and MP Gwede Mantashe will be arrested soon.

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Image courtesy of "msnNOW"

The Bosasa connection: Gwede Mantashe faces bribery probe (msnNOW)

South Africans speculate about the timing of ANC Chairperson Gwede Mantashe's alleged impending arrest related to Bosasa-sponsored security upgrades.

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Image courtesy of "Eyewitness News"

Investigative Directorate refutes reports of imminent arrest of Mantashe (Eyewitness News)

The State Capture inquiry found that Mantashe unduly benefitted from the company, after it made security upgrades at his private properties free of charge.

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Image courtesy of "Independent Online"

Investigating Directorate rubbishes claims of Gwede Mantashe's ... (Independent Online)

The reports allege that plans are in motion to arrest Mantashe, the country's Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy. Reports further allege that the ...

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Image courtesy of "msnNOW"

Allegations against Gwede Mantashe: ID sets the record straight (msnNOW)

The Investigating Directorate has dismissed reports of ANC Chairperson Gwede Mantashe's pending arrest linked to Bosasa-sponsored security upgrades for his ...

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Image courtesy of "Briefly"

ANC's Gwede Mantashe in Hot Water Over Bosasa Bribery Allegations (Briefly)

South Africans speculate about the timing of ANC Chairperson Gwede Mantashe's alleged impending arrest related to Bosasa-sponsored security upgrades.

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Image courtesy of "African Insider"

ID refutes imminent Mantashe arrest allegations (African Insider)

The National Prosecuting Authority's Investigating Directorate (ID) has reortedly refused to comment on reports suggesting the imminent arrest of ANC ...

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Image courtesy of "SowetanLIVE"

Investigating Directorate denies report it is after Gwede Mantashe (SowetanLIVE)

The Investigating Directorate says it has not decided on nor discussed an “imminent arrest” of ANC chairperson Gwede Mantashe.

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